Manage and protect users’
digital identities.

With the number of data breaches rising exponentially, organizations need to adopt governance practices and tools to prevent threats and increase operational efficiency. Gaining access to the corporate perimeter is easier than ever due to remote work. For many organizations, an enormous amount of the workload is stored and shared across a wide variety of on-premises and cloud applications. This is why many organizations use granular access control solutions to keep up with authentication demands.

Identity and access management (IAM) solutions help securely manage the digital identities of users. IAM encompasses three key components: identification, authentication, and authorization. Restricting access to business-critical resources and ensuring data protection can help IT admins track privileged access abuse. IAM solutions protect the organization against security incidents by setting parameters in the system to detect anomalous activities that otherwise go undetected. These IAM security features help with building effective security infrastructure.

How will an identity and access management solution help your organization?

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